If your not a cynic, playing this game came be one of the most enjoyable of experiences!

User Rating: 9.2 | Advent Rising XBOX
Gameplay: Definately wierd at first. It starts out relitively plain, basic hand to hand combat, dual wielding of all weapons, and limited doging. The flick targetting (which can be tweeked to fit your needs, usually I like the sensitivity bumped down a bit, so you have to flick the stick a bit to start locking onto enemies) is definately hard to get used to, some of the first battles can be kind of frantic, and you resort to simple button mashing till the enemies in the room are all dead. But once you get used to it, and start gaining abilities, and leveling up, the gameplay becomes absolutely increadible. There are so many different opions for how you play. It can almost feel like you completely change the game at times, going from blasting away enemies in third person with two microwave guns in slowmotion to machinegunning enemies and slaming into them from twenty feet away with a fast forward lunge attack in first person (using special powers in first person can make for an awsome, unique experience). If the fighting ever gets repetative, switching things up revives it easily. Graphics: Technically, not all that wowing. Some textures or a bit blocky, some animations are a little jaggidy, and none of the draping cloth in the game works all that well. But, the style and presintation is Beautiful. I absolutely love the art style in this game. The charatures are all very unique, almost a cartoon look to them, that works Really well. The environments are great. And this game has by far my favorite expossions in any game. Or movie for that matter. Excellent. Cut scenes are a little glitchy though. These are the times the game takes to load the next level, but it often doesn't give enough time for the cutscene to fully load, so they start out with a glitchy pause. Sound: Great score. Beautifully orcistrated cinimatic music. The sound effects in this game are excellent. Expossions shake your boots, gun shots make you feel like your actually killing something. The voice acting is Excelent (though it is hard not to think of Gideon as Batman Beyond of on space adventures with special powers... He is a great boice actor though.). The only thing that is a little bothersome is when the music and other sound effects cut out, or get dulled down for whatever reasons. Sometimes if a level hasn't had long enought to load the music with start a little styfulled or chopy. Value: A relatively short game. Average play through is probably around 12 hours. But the replay value is pretty good. The story is excellent, and the spectacular moments in the game are worth playing the game over several time for. There is a possibility of extra downloadable content in the future, like extra levels, vehicles, possibly weapons. Tilt: The premiss of the game is what attracts me the most to it. I love most anything that has something to do with telekinesis, and dorment human abilities. And I think this game presents the ideas superbly.