Another game from Majesco Games that tried to rip off Halo, but horrible graphics and gameplay and decent sound.

User Rating: 3.8 | Advent Rising XBOX
The storyline of this game seems promising at first. New game exciting experience you know yada yada yada. However as I managed to struggle through this hard game (yeah right), I found out that this game is pretty much pure crap. I know the intentions for the developers was good but damn. Playing through about half of this game I realised how horrible the frames per second were. Sometimes the game would run very well, others really bad. Moving on to graphics... well nothing special with them at all. Nobody should really look that hard at graphics so there is no reason to complain too much about that. Advent Rising has absolutely no realism to it. You jump around and the character looks like its got no physics. The controls are horrible, when you think you got a guy on the target, it switches on you. The developers really need to fix most of these bugs. I really hoped they'd worked on this game longer. The sound in this game was pretty well done, I liked the music a lot, but it had bugs with the menu and sometimes it would just freeze randomly. In the end I think this game was bad. Not only is the game bad, but it looks like a ripoff from the Xbox game Halo.