The best arcade flight game aviable on PS2.

User Rating: 9 | Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War PS2
I'm an Ace Combat fan since the second instalment of the series. After the 4th part - Shattered Skies my hopes for the sequel where high. But nothing could prepare me for the mind-blowing experience od Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War.

History is circled around the same topic: becoming a hero from a zero, and leading your oppressed country from a certain defeat to a glamorous victory. This time though Project Aces implanted some mythical background - The Demon of Razgriz. When world ends Razgriz comes first as a demon and then becomes savior. The history is contained in your co-pilots childhood book - A Dove for a Princess. Cutscenes are epic. Full of emotions, action. Some leave you on the edge of your chair praying to complete the next mission as fast as possible and seeing another part of this wonderful story.

Gameplay is more or less the same as in all previous instalments of the series (excluding Ace Combat) There are 5 difficulty levels so everyone will find a dose of challenge for himself. The new addition is an exp meter for every single branch of airplanes families. I found it a great concept. First of all it obligates you to fly almost all of the planes avaiable in the game. Second of all it rewards you for doing so, because some of the planes on the highest branches are wicked sick. There are many types of missions, you are never bored, but as the tradition of AC games goes the first mission is an attack on a small squad of enemies and the last one contains flying through a really small tunel.

Graphics are good - planes look awesome and ground is as bad as always. But when flying 5000 m above the ground you won't care about the amount of detail on ground. On the bombing missions you can get a little bit annoyed - Tanks look like a cardbox with a stick in it, same goes for all vehicles. Ships are made a lot better though.

Music is a top notch, as always. For the recommendation I will say that I purchased OSTs from AC4,5, Zero and I don't regret a single cent spent on it.

If you have a PS2 don't hesitate any longer and go to a gameshop to purchase this game. I guarantee you won't be let down.