• MyCatIsMilk’s Activity
  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Value for money (Freebies need not apply). on the System Wars board

    @TheEroica: I've been seeing No Man's Sky on sale on Steam recently. Looks interesting, but I never commit to purchasing it. I'll need to watch some vids.

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Bend Studios unannounced new project reportedly already at the $250million budget mark.. on the System Wars board

    @davillain said: Honestly, I don't understand why Days Gone gets this much dislike here, I for one didn't enjoy it nor finish it on PS4 due to the limited hardware, but when it came to PC, I fell in l...

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Bend Studios unannounced new project reportedly already at the $250million budget mark.. on the System Wars board

    @silentchief: You say it didn't suck, but then proceed to say to each their own, basically saying that I can hold my opinion that it sucks.... So why even reply to my comment? If you enjoyed the game,...

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Value for money (Freebies need not apply). on the System Wars board

    With Steam, there's always a sale going on, which means the lure to purchase yet another game to add to your library that you may never play due to having too many purchases.The games that have alway...

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Do you buy used games?. on the Games Discussion board

    I used to buy used games when I was younger. Also, as I was still looking for work. But now that I can afford what I want, I don't care about buying used games. I'm also 99% a digital consumer, mostl...

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Share your favorite superexclusive games. on the Games Discussion board

    @DarkCatalyst: LOL

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Gamers need to shut up about the Ubi exec and game ownership. on the Games Discussion board

    @DarkCatalyst said:@mycatismilk: They're free to try. All it will do is create an unserved corner of the market for others to cater to. We're already seeing it with Nintendo and their explicit commit...

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Guilty Pleasure Games. on the Games Discussion board

    My question would be why you're embarrased to play the three games you listed, OP. As for myself, nothing. I used to be a trophy hunter and wouldn't care how I earned my trophy's, meaning which games ...

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Predict the future of Concord!. on the System Wars board

    I really enjoyed Battleborn when it came out. It's unfortunate it didn't last. But as for this current game, it'll be DOA. It looks generic, looks like every other MP game we currently have on the ma...

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Playground Games dodged a bullet.. on the System Wars board

    @last_lap: A new racing game from the minds behind Detroid Become Human. LOL.

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Help me help you help me like Elden Ring. on the System Wars board

    @xbox7204life: In what way?

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Gamers need to shut up about the Ubi exec and game ownership. on the Games Discussion board

    We are going into a digital only future with media consumption; be it games, movies, etc. The Ubisoft executive isn't the first person to say this. Some speaker at the World Economic Forum already men...

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic A PSN account will be required for GoW Ragnarok PC. on the System Wars board

    Exclusives don't sell consoles for me, personally. I already abandoned ship with the PS brand and I'm not looking back.

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Remakes, VR, PC & Shovelrware are all the rage now for the M@@'s. on the System Wars board

    @TheEroica: looooooooool. I thought the same thing, particularly because he's been away for over a week

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Playground Games dodged a bullet.. on the System Wars board

    I don't see why that's an issue. There's a difference between not wanting it, and it being a bad idea. I could see this work, and I personally welcome it. As with anything, it has to be done right.

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic What games make your all time greats list?. on the System Wars board

    How you kids remember so many games is beyond me. Perhaps I just haven't had too many games that impacted me. I'll give it a try.Super Mario WorldPokemon SilverAlan Wake 2 (Favorite of all time #1)Kin...

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Sony State of Play - All games with videos. on the System Wars board

    @Pedro: Typically an influencer is trying to sell people something. Spending your hard earned cash on the latest craze, do you suppose, not count as a high priority? I guess if you're a in your early ...

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Sony State of Play - All games with videos. on the System Wars board

    @Pedro said:@R4gn4r0k: Blank is inaccurate, it is more that most people don't care or aren't willing to spend time sifting through the noise. Their daily lives is already stressful and adding more to...

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Sony State of Play - All games with videos. on the System Wars board

    @R4gn4r0k: There are so many qutoes from a business mind. One of them that I can recollect due to reading your post is, "You don't know what you want. So we'll tell you what you want." It's not a verb...

  • MyCatIsMilk posted a message in the forum topic Sony State of Play - All games with videos. on the System Wars board

    8:15 in the Silent Hill 2 gameplay looks bad. LOL. I'm still going to buy when it comes out.