• Sushiglutton’s Activity
  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic Bend Studios unannounced new project reportedly already at the $250million budget mark.. on the System Wars board

    It will probably be a service games so they only need to find about 50 k whales spending 5 k each.

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic Predict the future of Concord!. on the System Wars board

    I watched the trailer from SoP. I have no idea what the hook is supposed to be 🤷🏻‍♂️. Why play this game over any of the other similar ones? What’s the cool standout feature?

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic A PSN account will be required for GoW Ragnarok PC. on the System Wars board

    Annoying, but a lot of companies are doing this. I have lost track of all the pointless launchers I have installed...

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic PlayStation State of Play - May 30th, 6PM EST. on the System Wars board

    @TheEroica said: @Sushiglutton: my B.... Didn't realize it was pacific time.No worries, time zones are the worst. I must have a count down to get it pretty much 😅

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic PlayStation State of Play - May 30th, 6PM EST. on the System Wars board

    @TheEroica said:20 minutes away! Any last minute predictions?I thought it was in 3 h 😵‍💫

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic PlayStation State of Play - May 30th, 6PM EST. on the System Wars board

    Why so late? Sony is giving working Europeans the middle finger 😞

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic PS Co-CEO: Live Service Games to PC Day 1. Single Player Games Later to Entice PC Owners to Play on a PlayStation. on the System Wars board

    Service games they can keep…Why would you feel enticed to play sequels on Ps5 when they release them too on PC?

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic Was Rocksteady actually a blight on gaming?. on the System Wars board

    @warm_gun said:@Sushiglutton said: Arkham combat was/is awesome if you play for high score. Long combos, mixing as many different moves as possible and setting up high score finishers. It’s not that ...

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic trying to find a old game. on the Games Discussion board

    Speaking of bots, I tested your description on ChatGPT and it suggested Age of War Then it saidIf this doesn't match the game you're thinking of, there are a few other similar games from aro...

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic Was Rocksteady actually a blight on gaming?. on the System Wars board

    Arkham combat was/is awesome if you play for high score. Long combos, mixing as many different moves as possible and setting up high score finishers. It’s not that great if you just want to ”win” (fin...

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic Avowed...new engine...possible delay?. on the System Wars board

    Is that the correct link? Just goes to the artwork...Seems a bit late to be changing engine? Unless it's an updated version of the engine they are currently using.

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic Will you be picking up Black Myth: Wukong. on the Games Discussion board

    I think it looks great, but I'm worried it will be a bit one note like other soulsborne titles (imo). The aesthetics are excellent. Really cool enemy design and the main character is also excellent. S...

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic RUMOUR: Microsoft to buy Valve/Steam. on the System Wars board

    Hmm after Googling it seems like Bloomberg evaluated Valve to be worth 7,7 billion in 2022. So it seems unreasonable to think it is worth more than 16 now actually 🤔. Less than I thought tbh

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic New Doom game might be revealed at Xbox Games Showcase. The name is reportedly called Doom: The Dark Ages. on the System Wars board

    Awesome, very excited for more Doom! Not sure how much the Medieval setting will influence things as I'm sure it will still feel like Doom. I guess it will have more of an aesthetic effect?

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic RUMOUR: Microsoft to buy Valve/Steam. on the System Wars board

    Please no... That would be horrendous. But legacy should mean more than cash at this point for Gaben?@adsparky said: I will never thought of saying this but; 16 billion is not enough money.That too. V...

  • Sushiglutton posted a message on the post Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 Review - Hell And High Water.

    Instead of spending five years to make a "game" they should have spent one year and made a movie.

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic Has Putin won?. on the Off-Topic Discussion board

    @horgen said:It is just me or is the effect of the brain drain and the cost of this war affecting Russia less than what was portrayed in media?I find this super hard to judge. One thing that is trick...

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic Assassins Creed Shadows - world premiere trailer!. on the System Wars board

    @Jag85 said:@hardwenzen said: I am also not really understanding what the hell is he supposed to be in the game? Its one of the two playable characters, but this is an AssCreed game, a game that is c...

  • Sushiglutton posted a message in the forum topic The Pathetic State Of Modern Playstation. on the System Wars board

    I think the ps4 gen was really strong, which makes it seem a bit worse than it is. But I agree they have done very little in terms of strong IPs or interesting spins on existing ones. Naughty Dog has...