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#1 uninspiredcup
Member since 2013 • 59365 Posts

The wokens are coming.

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#2  Edited By uninspiredcup
Member since 2013 • 59365 Posts

@Macutchi: So just watched first episode.

The opening is wholesale ripped off from Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger, except in that scene, already have the characters and story setup, so give a **** about what is going on.

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The story itself appears to heavily inspired from the Clone Wars episode The Lost Jedi. The one where Barriss Offee turns against the Jedi Order and becomes an assassin' killing them of (creator confirmed this so no speculation)

Chinese aliens. Now der are twu of them.

Pointless location text, yay.

The ending of episode 1 is weird as ****, just seems to cut off, did you feel this as well or just me? Really abrupt like it cut him off mid sentence.

Liked Lee Jung-jae, he was the best part of it. Amandla Stenberg was good as well, but feel like the story is going to be super predictable. She becomes a Jedi at the end, overcomes bad person, bla bla bla

Could be wrong but that's vibe. Tried very hard to show she is good, just a farmgirl minding her own business. Dragged into a larger story.

It's... mid? As you predicted. Not anything offensive, but nothing mind blowing. Early days doh

Main problem have with it, it has this stuff

Ohh who's diz? I don't care. Ohhh Jedi dead, suppose to be sad. Who's that? Ohhhh she has a sister. But she's evil! Who's this person again? Ohhh generic Sith dude I saw in the trailer, he said a thing that sounds bad. What a reveal! That I saw in the trailer

It's like walked in mid show, suppose to care, but don't.

Le merits.


Haha Episode 2 does the exact same thing. "we are ending here, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

Better than the first episode but bla bla escape super predicable.

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#3  Edited By uninspiredcup
Member since 2013 • 59365 Posts

It looks to be more of the same tbh. What didn't like about Covenant. Also looks abit too "clean" to me. Like it's running around an Apple store in mega high def

One of the things really like about Alien 3, it strips everything back everything and has a definitive (until not) conclusion that generally makes sense as a final for the series.

Instead of heroes you have criminals portraying themselves as religiously enlightened. And you stick a woman between them. And then a monster. And then an evil corporation. And they have no weapons. And they are on some planet and no one cares about them. blablabla interesting stuff

Very fatalistic movie compared to the others. And I like the look of Aliens 3 very much, probably my fav "looking" movie of the bunch.

It just looks like a horrible, dirty place wouldn't want to touch. And the aliens itself (ignoring some hokey CGI) is grotesque.

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This, watch it. 0 expectations.

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#4  Edited By uninspiredcup
Member since 2013 • 59365 Posts
@Macutchi said:

@uninspiredcup: i can't wrap my head around the near universal love andor seems to get. genuinely can't rationalise it. and i see it frequently from older viewers who watched the og trilogy in their childhood like me so it's not like it's a new generation phenomena.

what they see as an authentic depiction of real life with real people in the star wars universe i see as glacial paced, with poor writing and a bunch of nothing characters. what they see as dark and gritty i see as joyless, drab and colourless. etc etc.

i'm always fine with being proven wrong and change my mind but no amount of reading these kind of opinions makes me interested in giving it another go

Exactly how feel.

Andor fans themselves remind me of a university student wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt, wouldn't sit next to them in class and outside be temped to throw a brick at their head to demonstrate fascism.

Indeed, scenes like this are far more memorable and ingrained in pop culture than anything in Andor will be remembered for.

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Something someone pointed out recently, watch her eyes, they align with Anakins swings as he kills the 100% not Chinese aliens (the key to everything)

5D Chess.

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#5 uninspiredcup
Member since 2013 • 59365 Posts

Seems like a good deal and something the @TheEroica would probably enjoy on the Steam Deck.


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#6 uninspiredcup
Member since 2013 • 59365 Posts

Competition is good.

Unfortunately if it's a gazillion pounds society will ignore it.

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#7 uninspiredcup
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@WitIsWisdom said:

The game is a good middle ground between strategy card and grid turn based gameplay. It's a great game that is held back by slow parts, but I still enjoyed it.

Reminds me of Freedom Force, one of the best superhero games made but about half a dozen 30+ year old men remember it.


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#8 uninspiredcup
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@Macutchi said:
@uninspiredcup said:

Honestly, know next to nothing about High Republic stuff and been fairly apathetic towards it, only reason watching is cause still subbed to Disney+ from Tales Of The Empire.

Go in blind, if it's good it's good, if it's bad it's bad, kinda my attitude. Otherwise fairly indifferent to it.

Thing didn't like was the design of the Sith. Another helmet guy with a synthesized voice. They seriously couldn't have come up with anything more inspired than that?

One of the things like about Darth Plagueis is that when actually see him, he has a weird as **** looking Easter Egg head. Humanoid looking but proportionally distorted so your brain automatically tells you something is off. This by comparison is like generic bad man Starwars design 101.

But yea, in regards to other shows have to try very fucking hard to be as bad as Book Of Boba. Anbore, which I keep getting told is great, real Starwars, adult, gritty, no references! is the equivalent of watching paint dry, so hope it remembers it's Starwars and not an off-brand BSG for plebs.

Obi-One? Yea, could maybe see if being on that level, who knows.

This is a thing that was just on the periphery that knew existed than a thing actually cared about.


dont think ive seen a trailer when the sith talks. seen the one with the mask and red light sabre at the end. and yeah im the same tbh. expectations set to low. anything more will be a bonus

Was reading the dumbest shit on the front-page. Both the reviewer and commenters trying to make out this and Andor are the only shows that stand on their own merits.

They exist, specifically because of The Mandalorian, which itself acted as an entry point for people alienated or casual on Starwars. It's because of The Mandalorians merits they exist and had these live action shows launched with Andor, I guarantee it would not have stood on it's own merits as it's so divorced from Starwars that the viewership would not (and does not) reach anywhere near the same audience as the The Mandalorian.

Not the biggest Mandalorian fan, but the premise Lone Ranger enters town, town in trouble, moves on alongside Lone Wolf And Cub is so simple need absolutely 0 context of anything Starwars to get it.

Honestly, some of these clearly Andor fanbio takes are so fucking up their own arse I sometimes have to reel myself back lest the beast unleash. (bad internet comments)

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#9  Edited By uninspiredcup
Member since 2013 • 59365 Posts

Ghost after watching roughly "5" anti-woke vids.

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#10 uninspiredcup
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Didn't even know was a directors cut.