Fun but often infuriating, Zuma is a game you cannot stop playing.

User Rating: 8.3 | Zuma Deluxe X360
Fun but often infuriating, Zuma is a game you cannot stop playing. Its concept is simple; you simply fire at the coloured balls as they travel around a spiralling maze, and try to vaporize them before they reach the mouth. Sounds easy enough, but never underestimate how challenging and tense this game can be. There are levels that push you so far and so fast, that pausing the game is a regular requirement and even necessity.

The game is excellent at building up your hopes and then smashing it at the last pulse-pounding second. It also amazes me how early levels that seem damn near impossible to complete at the time eventually become easy. The game cleverly trains your senses, and you build your Zuma talent. Zuma is a great experience (especially in groups) but be warned, this game is almost certainly not for those with weak hearts or pregnant women - this is one of the most tense and potentially lethal games ever made, and just remember to not lob that controller across the living room floor when you lose. Zuma is yet another awesome game available on the superb Xbox Live Arcade, and a game well worth checking out.

Overall Score:
