I think of it's very fun, with their touches it's the tycoon's best

User Rating: 8.5 | Zoo Tycoon PC
In our lifes we alway want to have a roller coaster park, or a zoo, well atari makes it thruth. This game is for me too much because its my first ga of i play rpg, and i really have a fun time with this... In another point, when we have the first impression of the game, we say: "oh yeah that's gonna to be good" but then we can do 20 more things you can also change the ambien of the cells ofd the animals for them are happy, and that it's a bad point of the game, for the happy and sadness of the animals like the another predessesors, but another, its awesome...

Gameplay:it's alway the same with this gamesyou haqve to control everything.. if you not, "say hi to chaos" and another bad thing its the fact of the mouse, if you dobt care of him, it hides behind a three!!.

Graphics: then its another shame about it because it haves some bad graphics, not too bad, just fair...

Sound:its not the best part of the game, but it haves his own, and its really wack with the fx and all that... ok.. Enjoy it!