I've gotta make it quick! But yeah, this game sucks.

User Rating: 2 | Zoo Tycoon DS DS
Yeah... Zoo Tycoon is a really fun game on the PC that offers ton's of tools and animals, but on the DS, it's a disaster! Zoo Tycoon DS has horrible graphics, bad sound and poor controls, which make it horrible and unworthy of a sequel. (Which it's getting)

So, since I've gotta make this review quick I'll get to the point. THIS GAME SUCKS! The control is unoriginal and badly planned out, the graphics are beautifully ugly, and the sound is just bad. I'm going to skip to the pros and cons.

Pros: Atleast it's Zoo Tycoon, right? No? Hmmm...

Cons: Everything else.

Yeah... I hate this game... and you will too. Probably mainly because you can have only one save file but I think it's a little bit of everything...

It's awful... if you're looking at it in a store, just put it down and walk away... if you bought it and haven't played it yet. Throw it out now.