woop!!! a classic!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Zoo Tycoon PC
Even though i've played ZT2.... ZT still has the biggest place in my heart..... joke hehe but its a classic game which will not be overtaken easily. Microsoft's first approach towards a zoo simulation game was a major sucess and no surprises why. ZT is a spectacualr mix of many differnt animals, from sea creatures to dinosaurs. Feed, clean and watch your animals reproduce in a realistic fashion.

The scenarios are very challenging and keep one occupied. Even I havn't managed to complete all of them as its hard to keep your stuipid guest happy!!!

Music= good...
Graphics= great...
Animal selection= good...

You can also murder your guests :)
And other animals...

The only things that i found annoying were:
The guests....never 100% happy
The animals don't really interact that much...

On the whole though, this game is a ... yep, a classic... and I play it alot still ^^