The game is great. Even with some minor flaws.

User Rating: 8.5 | ZombiU WIIU
It is pretty simple to understand this. Ignore reviews and decide for yourself. Only the player of any game knows if it is any good or not. The game has the feel of resident evil 1 for me. No it is not as good as that but it is a good game none the less. It does control a little stiff at times and the graphics are not mind blowing. It is creepy and it draws you in with every step though. Turn the lights down and the sound up and enjoy the fear of opening a door in anticipation only to find nothing scary at all. The scares are there just may be or may not be in the next room. That is the thrill. Low ammo and supplies only make for a true survival horror experience.
The Wii u game pad is perfect for this. It can be a little clunky at first but after 20 minutes or so and maybe a death or 2. It will feel and work beautifully.

What do I know? I just play games :)