Played as a kid - loved it. Playing it now - still can't get enough!

User Rating: 10 | Zelda II: The Adventure of Link NES
I first played this game a few years after it came out, so it was a bit old at that time. When I played it, right from the start I was hooked. It was a fresh variation of the original Legend of Zelda. All through out my childhood, and even now, I get urges to go back and level my Health, Magic, and Attack up to 9 again. As a side scrolling adventure game it ranks, for me, as one of my top 5. I still have the original Gold cartridge, and was lucky enough to get my Gamecube with the ever overpriced Zelda collection disc (it was $99 to buy just the disc if you didn't get it with your Gamecube as a packaged deal). I recommend that everyone play this game at least once, if its possible that someone hasn't played this, or are too young to have played it in its hay day. Go out and get a hold of the Wii version if nothing else and have a blast, you won't regret it I promise.