Ignore the bad comments, it's definitly worth playing.

User Rating: 8.8 | Zelda II: The Adventure of Link NES
Links Adventure has always been regarded as 'The Black Sheep' of the sterlling Zelda series, mainly because of it's changeup in gameplay style. Instead of the top down view of the origional Legend of Zelda, Nintendo opted for a side scrolling adventure, ala Mario bros. Yes, it is a little different then most of it's siblings, but that shouldn't exlude it from the series.

Your quest this time around is to once again serve Princess Zelda, who has been cast into a deep sleep by a mysterious magicion. As chosen by the triforce as come of age, it is you who has to go out on this quest to all Corners of Hylrule and obatin the remaining hidden triforce, and revive princess Zelda. However, you must be careful, as Ganon's minions are still about, needing only the blood of younge Link to revive their fallen master

Links adventure plays like a side scrolling adventure platformer. Most of your time is spent dungoun hoping, and strolling through towns and other locations. There is still an overhead view which you use to navigate to different locations. It switches to side scrolling, which you'll spend most of your time doing, when you get there.

Instead of an arsanle of weapons that you usually have, this time the game is more magic, and sword fighting focused. This game is the one to introduce the jumping stabs bolth up and down that you see in Super Smash bros ;) Along with your life meter (which is changed to a meter now instead of the normal Zelda style hearts) you also have a magic meter. There are different spells you can learn, and the more powerful the spell the more magic it drains from your magic meter. There are spells like super jump, protection, thunder, shoot fire from your sword, even morph ionto a fairy.

Overall it's quite a challenging game. The dungeons can be a little tricky due to lack of any real maps, but it's still loads of fun. I highly reccomend checking this game out to anyone who is a fan of the series. If you have an NES, this should be on your shelf beside The Legend of Zelda