Like OMG i cant get enough of it

User Rating: 10 | Z PC
this has to be one of the best top selling plus fun to play games back in the time, i mean come on this game got me so hooked i used to play it in 1997 and now in 2007-2009 i buy new copies trying to put it on my computer talk about and addiction cause its like being on crack! I just cant get enough of it and if anyone has a working copy that will install, run, and play with out cutting out and it will work i will buy it i just love this game. anyone who says this game doesn't have what it takes has either never played it, doesn't like r.t.s. or they just never beat it.... they made a second one but idk how it is hopefully they will remake one in the future with the new 3D creation we have now... that would be so b.a. i would be first in line to buy it ill tell you right now... well thats whats on my mind so there