As a 5D's game, good. As a Yu-Gi-Oh! game

User Rating: 7 | Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Wheelie Breakers WII
I'll start off by saying, i like this game and only got it being the huge 5D's fan I am. It's not a great game, it's just OKAY. I mean, i was never a real fan of Mario Kart, but the idea of a racing game with cards intrigued me slightly. Now the game does have way more issues then positives. Control is terrible at times, graphics are just plain meh, everytime you get a monster out it dies and it's incredibly hard to hit your opponent. Turning is really tough at times as well, and really, you need to accelerate and declerate to get around turns. Now, there are some positives. Gameplay is good when you get the hang of it, monsters do look kinda cool, music can get nice at times, and overall, it comes together as a fun experience. While it would be more fun dueling against 5D's characters, racing against them is okay [excpet for one person. Clears thorat: JEAGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Kay, got that out of my system]
Anyway, if you want to play it, rent it first. You might luck it, you might not. I found it to be okay, and like The Falsebound Kingdom, I thought it was an interesting idea for a spib-off, pulled off in a decent way. But I'm glad Duel Transer will be a return to dueling [I'd like it even more if Riding Duels are in as a seperate option.