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User Rating: 8 | Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Wheelie Breakers WII
YuGiOh 5Ds Wheelie Breakers is so fun it breaks the meter. Yes it has a few tweaks but besides that it is hard and difficult and sure to teach you about YuGiOh 5Ds. If you liked YuGiOh And YuGiOh GX it is now time to embrace YuGiOh 5Ds. Sometimes you question is this game really worth it well to me it is. The game has you driving in a race with your monsters fighting and battling just so you are in first. Yes they did dispose of the old playing style and yes it is kind of like Mario kart but it is very challenging. Give it a try sometimes you'll be hooked, sometimes you won't but I gotta say this game truly will have you on the unpredictable list. Have you ever played a racing game such as Mario Kart, Excite Bots:Trick Racing, Gran Turismo, Mario Double Dash, Need For Speed, Burnout...etc. These games all are driving and are massive fun, but so is Yugioh 5ds now I'll admit some of these games are better but just think of those games with a little bit of cards. This Game is worth buying and i couldn't care less if you disagree but just try it and see if you can beat the whole thing.