Another fun early SNES game waiting to be played!

User Rating: 8.2 | Ys III: Wanderers from Ys SNES
Wanderer's from Ys III is an early SNES master piece.

Graphics: The cinema scenes at the begining and the end of the game blew my little mind back in the early 90's. They aren't as good to look at with today's graphics, but they still don't hurt today. Your character sprite is of a fair size, and when you unequip your sword and shield, so does he. Its one of the first games to chage the sprite in that manner. Much like in Lagoon. The backgrounds were good for the time period. I particularly enjoyed the underground stage with all of the fire everywhere.

Music and Sound: Overall the music is pretty standard. It changes for each level you are in. Most of the music is easily hummable. I particularly enjoy the music in the quarry near the begining of the game. Sound effects are okay. The sound you make when you die, however, is kinda weird.

Fun: The game is short. That can effect replayability. Although i still play it once every few months to this day. Its made well, so the shortness shouldn't matter.

Gameplay: Once you begin leveling up, you shouldn't have that much trouble. You can run, jump, use items, use rings and swing a sword. The better the sword the more power you have. The Better Armor and shield, the more it took to kill you. Herbs kept you alive longer, and the Fairy Necklace gave you more experience.

Overall: A fun "Zelda II" type game. Go out and find it, its a great find for adventurers!