Snes Verison is a Poor Verison compared to the genesis

User Rating: 4.5 | Ys III: Wanderers from Ys SNES
well when you pop this game on your Real snes, you say one thing, Why is Adol Chibi on the freaking intro, why is this intro poorly done... then you walk and pop on your genesis version and it look amazing the music is clear, it has that charm Ys'1+2 had, and it offers no dry mouth bs.

Being a Fan of the series i considered this version to be poor compared to the Genesis Version for its non-glitched areas, the characters look more clean and sharp, the snes just are blown out sprites, the game play is that of too simple, genesis version the lvling system is more better, above alot of rpgs on the snes, this game is decent, but it doesn't capture Sega's port for the game, try out the genesis version this one has lack of creation.

On a clean and pleasant side of the game, its still the game none the less and i can ignore alot of the crap that whoever ported it did a rush job of, and sit and enjoy it with at least one Emo tear in my eye tonight.

Sound 2/5
Game play 3/5
Video 2/5
Lasting effect 1/5 (rather play teh genesis version much the less)

Note: to all those thinking i am just bashing teh game and the series because of this Poor verison of part 3, your wrong, i am giving my honest open opinion about this game compared to its other release on teh genesis, not being a Fan boy to sega, but the game was brought out better for the genesis, THE END.