The moment you touch it, you'll want to go.

User Rating: 1 | Yoshi Touch & Go DS
The first time you pick this up, you're going to hate it. From the moment you take it, to the moment you return it, you'll be mad. Very mad.

Going into the game, your first question will be "Where's the Story Mode?" The sad truth is, there isn't one. There's score attack, time attack, and other modes that are more or less the same thing. Clicking on the closest thing you can find to it, you'll find baby Mario falling from the sky attached to balloons for some reason. This is where you'll eventually get the controls down. You attempt to steer his path by drawing clouds, getting frustrated when you accidentally erase the clouds, and drawing rings around enemies to turn them into coins. After about three minutes of wondering how close you are to the end, you'll land on a Yoshi. At this moment you'll think that the worst is over. It's not.

It's frustrating! It seems Yoshi never does what you want him to do. Wanna flutter jump? "Too bad, Wanker" the game says. You have to be precise, or Yoshi will just do his useless basic jump.

The worst part pf this game is the long levels with no land. Yoshi has to walk on only your clouds. These places are covered in enemies. The most annoying of which are the spiky ones. You cant encase them in bubbles. So you have to kill them with eggs. How do you get eggs? You have to eat fruit. How do you get fruit? You have to get past the spiny things. it's a loop of impossible.

You will have NO fun with. Don't let anyone you care about play this game. It's awful.