A bad Tetris clone

User Rating: 3 | Mario & Yoshi NES
This is another puzzle game that yet again, clones Tetris. You play as Mario or Luigi who are trying to stack enemies from the previous Mario games onto plates to make them disappear. You can also stack two halves of an egg shell to create a Yoshi egg. There isn't much else to say about this game. It isn't a great game to play when you're just bored because you waste your time more from playing this than doing something like watch a bad TV show, or eat a stale pizza. There is multiplayer but I doubt you'll ever be interested enough to try it. The music is kind of bland and there's only 3 tracks to choose from. None excite you or interest you enough to want to play more. In the end, this is a pretty weak puzzle game that isn't too fun. If you want a better game, try Tetris or Dr. Mario. Just avoid this.