A tetris-like Yoshi and Mario game.

User Rating: 8.6 | Yoshi no Tamago GB
This game is pretty good, especially since it was made in 1991. The graphics are awesome (I played it on my SP and it has color) but the sound is just a repeated track. You can choose from one of 3 repeated tracks, though. This game doesn't really involve Yoshi, so I don't know why they call it that. This is a good game, if you like an old-school Tetris because it is like Tetris a lot. In the game pieces fall (Egg pieces, boos, Pihranna plants, etc.) and if you stack 2 of the same on top of each other, they disappear. You can hatch a Yoshi by putting a top egg piece on top of a bottom egg piece. If there are pieces in between, they will be destroyed. The more pieces in between the pieces, the better the Yoshi. Yoshis that hatch can be either a tadpole-like Yoshi, a normal Yoshi, a winged Yoshi, or a Yoshi with a star on its back. If piece towers are to tall, you lose. You can also switch the locations of the piece towers by pressing the a button. An illustration of Mario at the bottom does this. Unlike in normal Tetris, you can't move the pieces. In the begining, you choose the level, speed, type of game, and music. In the game, everything occasionally speeds up. There is a second version (as I stated before), but I'm not sure exactly how it works. It is the same as the first, except you start out with a row of pieces on the bottom. I think the objective might be to clear all of the tiles. I really like this game, and most people that like Tetris would. In the game you can also change the starting level. If you like to look at Yoshis and Mario and like Tetris, definitely buy this game. A normal asking price is around $17, and that is how much I bought it for. I feel a little ripped off because it was made before I was born and it is like Tetris, but I still like it because I am a Yoshi fan. I would pay about $12.50 for this game, but that's just my opinion.