Yakuza is the answer...

User Rating: 9.5 | Yakuza 2 PS2
to boredom. The 1st one was awesome and this one is no different. they improved and did not replace the gameplay and the personality this game has offered to fans. I as well as many others adored the gameplay that was in shenmue which for many reasons did not become finished. I know i was very dissapointed that is until Yakuza came by and added that familiar shenmue feel and enhanced the gameplay x100. fighting is still on point the biggest thing is the story which always was fun especially with the side missions which always brought some humor to what would be a very serious game. I can only hope people can open themselves to this series because part 3 is in the works for Japan and is gonna be on the ps3 however judging how this one does will play a part in having the 3rd one come here. i liked this game so much to support its next installment to come here i bought 3 copies and gave the other 2 to friends to enjoy.