Thirteen's Visual Setup and Compelling Storyline make it one stylised FPS.

User Rating: 7.5 | XIII PC
STORY – XIII is based on a Franco Belgium comic book which goes by the same name. You take on the role of XIII, who is an undercover agent of sorts who is being perused by both the government as well as terrorists. Why? You have no clue. All you remember is the last five minutes before you were washed up wounded on a beach. As you proceed through the game, you'll begin to piece your past together which leads on to a sinister plot that threatens the foundation of the entire nation. XIII's story is very interesting and also one of the best the FPS genre has ever seen, the story alone will want you to get going till the very end.

SOUND - Voice acting's in XIII are decent and so are the sound effects(nothing to special about them) but what will really catch your attention is the games soundtrack. Background scores are amazing to hear & they are marvelously synchronized with the given situation.

GRAPHICS – XIII's graphics are a real treat for sore eyes. The crisp cell-shaded graphics are a real break from the usual FPS games around. The comic book style deliveries in game & during the cutscenes are simply mind blowing.

GAMEPLAY – The gameplay is a combination of stealth and action. Along with your weapons you can also use objects such as bottles, chairs, etc. from your surroundings to dispose of your enemies. The game features an arsenal of weapons ranging from a pistol all the way to an underwater harpoon gun. The gameplay also takes you to a variety of locations from rooftops to the sea. This makes the gameplay exciting. Talking about the games bad points is its A.I. At times it is not too great, for eg. If you are hiding in a corner, an enemy soldier may walk past you and not even notice you're around even though you're just a step away. A few goofs in the A.I leave a little dent in the gameplay. Another problem is the save system. Although it has an in game save option it doesn't make a difference as it does not save on the very spot like other FPS games but rather the save takes you back to a checkpoint. All in all a few problems won't stop the excitement to get to the end.

THE GOOD – Crisp cell shaded graphics, amazing storyline, and a lovely soundtrack.

THE BAD – Save system, Enemy A.I.