Entertaining, but has Broken save system.

User Rating: 7 | XIII PC
Game itself is good.
XIII was petty much the first and the only fps game that used FULLy cell shaded UnrealEngine2 combined with comic book style art and onomatopoeic words.
The game was surely unique in terms of art design at the time in 2003.

This game has a quite some impressive death animation for enemies
(though it does not look natural always)

Even though the game is typically run and gun shooter, it attempted to have some espionage aspect of gameplay with properly registered enemy AI, which was not bad at all.

Story about fictitious conspiracy and the US government is moderately intriguing.

Multiplayer is just like other generic fps games.
can have fun for some time.

The game uses checkpoint autosave system. but there is 'nominal' quicksave system as well.
I dont even know why developers put quick save system that uses F5 hotkey.
I bet they wanted to follow the trend and traditional save system for fps games.
but they just made the save system confusing and disastrous by putting that frekane retarded sh%7
when you load a quicksave, it won't load the place where you just saved. it just loads previous checkpoint.
what could happen is that for example, if you quicksaved the game in chapter 2 and you played through chapter 9 without any quicksaves since chapter 2, then you accidentally quickload the game and now you will have to start over from chapter 2, problem is that there wont be way to load chapter 9 checkpoint because when you loads quicksave, it triggers autosave and overwrites the file.

Inconsistent difficulty of levels.
funny thing is that the game autosaves more than enough on easy levels, almost without interval, its nonstop atuosaves fest.
but on some levels, there are just no autosave checkpoints.
You die, and you have to startover.

Technical problem I experienced is sluggish mouse movement in main menu, though mouse worked fine in-game, which was very fortunate.
It seems that the game does not work very well with new usb logitech mice or the software.

(ぅ _ )>