XIII was the videogame that got me hook on FPS, it's really great and the ending will make you want to yell at your pc!!

User Rating: 10 | XIII PC
Some years ago all i palyed were RTS, nothing else. Then i saw XIII, and thought: "haha! this games graphs look funny." so i gave it a try (yes, this really happened). As soon as i started playing i started to love it: great history, not too hard, fun, and with a great multiplayer to finish it. this game mixes shoot'em up action with a little of stealth and throws in some bosses and cool weapons too (i just love the magnum .44...) and a kick-ass plot (actually i think it's based on a book... there's also a movie...). i STILL recommend it! now im gonna write stuff to fill the 800 words.
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o yeah! the game ending sucks since XIII 2 never came out.