User Rating: 5.5 | XIII PC
Once again, game developers have made a game that mistakes annoying frustration with a good game. The game goes along quite well and then you reach a level that is based on key mashing luck. I don't profess to be a wizard at playing games, I do it for relaxation. It is not relaxing or is it fun to all the sudden be dropped into a level that is (for me) impossible to complete. This is not why I buy games. Devolopers some day have to realize that there is no satisfaction in not being able to complete a game. Making it nearly impossible to complete does NOT make it a good game. If I cannot finish a level after 20 or 30 tries based on my inability to shoot someone in the head 15 times with a .44. it loses me, and it loses my business, as well as me informing as many other gamers as I can that it's just another blister inducing key masher not worth the purchase. Developers have to smarten up. A large portion of the gamers are not hard core live only for the game people. When the cost is evaluated against the time to complete a game and comes out in the 15 to 20 hour range, that is a good ratio. But if I cannot finish the game because it is made too difficult I basically quit buying that Company's product. OH look there goes XIII to the garbage can now.