Dangerous, Devious, Xevious!

User Rating: 7 | Xevious 7800

Xevious is an arcade-style, never-ending shooter on the Atari 7800. So, the object is just to survive as long as possible while racking up the highest score you can. You'll need to manage an onslaught from both the air and ground, being able to bomb ground targets and shoot air targets.

I thought that this was a pretty fun game. The Atari 7800 has a pretty limited library and most of the games are pretty close to the style of the 1980's arcade games, so Xevious fits in quite nicely within the console's library. It offers good graphics and engaging gameplay. Only drawback is that some of the sound effects are pretty grating on the ears. I'd recommend this game to anybody interested in playing 7800 games!