Truly great game, i recommend this to anyone who likes JRPGs, especially in this gen

User Rating: 10 | Xenoblade WII
the reason i gave this a 10 is because it has really been needed for awhile now, its easily the best JRPG of this generation so far, it keeps many of the classic JRPG conventions we've come to love, while removing or changing unnecessary traits that have been in the genre since the beginning.

The story at first feels a little generic, but once it moves on it becomes a real gem, i haven't played it long enough to find out the big plot twists but i can already say its gonna be good, and i cant spoil anything anyway lol

the soundtrack is also a gem, real epic and fits with the games tone, as i said before it breaks a few conventions while keeping the more important ones, for example, rather then placing you in a linear structure, it has a large emphasis on freedom, allowing you to explore huge areas, you will have plenty of side quests to do, all optional of course but by doing them you really get to appreciate the large world it gives you (there is luckily a fast travel option if you need it).

the side quest give you MMO like objectives but they are still really fun to do (especially the ones with boss enemies) and doing them rewards you greatly and there is still enough variety between them, and you also dont need to trek all the way back to an NPC to complete the quest (unless its required for the quest storyline.)

now the english voice acting for the most part id great, the only exception is the mechanical villains as they sound like typical pirates but this is a small issue.

in conclusion xenoblade is a great JRPG that is easily the best in this gen thus far, it is a real shame that NA misses out on this classic :(