This game has a great story, which simply captivates its' players. Perfect example of gameplay besting gr

User Rating: 9.5 | Xenoblade WII
Review of the review: Highly addictive and Simply Amazing! :)

It took me approximately 65hrs to complete the game, with only a fracture of the side-quests completed (There's a litterally a TON of them) - But I had problems saving the game and turning off the console, so if you have a lot of obligations and are easily drawn by a game and can't let go, then don't get this one! Because even though you can save almost anywhere at almost any time! It's hard to get oneself to do it because you simply want to know what happens next!

So if you like a good story and a big world to kill a lot of monsters (and quite a lot of rare monsters) this is a game for you!

One of the fun things in the game is, after you beat the game, you have the chance to replay it with all your current gear and experience points and etc. you can simply one-hit most monsters which I personally don't understand why a person would want. And another thing, there's even high level monsters at lvl 90 in the first map somewhere - and I completed at lvl 80. So they're still unbeatable. So if you liked in the old Final Fantasy games that you could come upon nearly unbeatable monsters, this game DOES exhibit a few of these as well. (Even though they're only monsters in this game and not hyped demi gods or something like that :)