A challenging and addicting turn based strategy game.

User Rating: 8.5 | XCOM: Enemy Unknown PC
I liked Xcom Enemy Unknown a lot. I thought the turn based strategy concept was executed well and added to the addictive nature of the gameplay. The base building and squad selection was also a smart feature that helped keep my interest. However, the game does suffer from some odd AI decisions. The game seems to rely "dice rolls" over stats, allowing you to die or miss shots way too often. These 'dice rolls" can appear to negate upgrades or logic and have made me frustrated more times than I can count. Xcom is still fun however. I really enjoyed the base management mixed with mission choice, upgrades, and challenging missions. The graphics of max were solid, the sound was pleasing, and the controls suited the game. Overall, a strong showing that has me interested in what the developers will do next.