The game almost looks identical apart from a few extra bits

User Rating: 8 | XCOM: Enemy Within PS3

XCom Enemy Unknown was one of the best games of 2012 and after the dissapointing Declassified 2K deliver a virtually identical game to the original.


You know the story the Aliens come down to invade Earth and it's up to you as a commander to build weapons keep countries happy and stop them dominating earth.


In gameplay terms it is relatively the same game virtually the same weapons and stuff but you get Abilities like Squad Members in MECs that can deal serious damage but are vunlerable because they can not get into cover so you have to find a good spot to hide them. To make these MECs you need to collect Meld a resource capable of giving members new abilites and more firepower for them.

Also a new feature is Genetics which are from Alien Autopsies to give your squad member a boost whilst in combat and give them an edge in battle. The Genetics and MECs have to be built though in the Facilities to access them and you must have enough Meld to get access to them. You also can add medals to your squad at times which gives them certain abilities.

You shall get new Aliens like Seekers that can use Stealth and sneak up on a lonely solider and try and Strangle them, there's Mechatoids which are Sectoids in Mech suits and also a rival squad that threatens to take you down later in the game. Also in the game your base gets attacked this timme and if you fail to rid the threat the games over.

While there are alot of good points and new features its a shame because the story seems relatively unchanged from the previous one like what to do during the game. Also the game does feel a bit overpriced for something like this it maybe should and could have been a DLC or something. There are some bonus Missions added from recent DLC but it feels more of a cash in really.


Nothing really has changed in terms of looks or design really so it basically is identical and hard to see where there are improvements.


About a good 20 hours or so to beat it then there's multiplayer which is hardly changed really.

Overall Opinion

It's a game for those who probably didn't get chance to play the 2012 version of the game but for some it shaall please people but some might not want to pay for a game with a few things added again. Overall a solid game but not a must buy.

Overall Score 8 out 10