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User Rating: 7 | X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Uncaged Edition) PS3
X-Men Origins: Wolverine review by Simon a.k.a. [TheDevilDweller]

The Good:
Playing at Wolverine - Brutal - Sound-Effects - Unlockable costumes - Vocie Acting

The Bad:
Too Easy - Glitches - Miner Graphics and Texture Problems - Repetitive Game-Play - Repeated Bosses Fights


X-Men Origins: Wolverine is closely tied to the happenings of the similarly named film. The story revolves around the back-story to Wolverine and his brother Sabretooth. The game starts of with "you" Wolverine falling through the skies of Africa after his team helicopter was blown up by enemy fire. The story transports you deep into James "Logan" (a.k.a. Wolverine's) past to discover more about his origins. The story starts of very well as the game moves back and forth through different periods between the preset, which is the events of the Weapon X Facility, and the events of the past, 3 years ago in an African jungle. There are some excellent voice acting and impressive and entertaining cut-scenes. If you're not a big fan of Marvel superhero games, films, comics or even X-Men or Wolverine (Then why the hell are your reading this?), you may find yourself lost in the story or, confused. You need to have a good understanding about Wolverine to really appreciate the story, and even the game.

So the game kicks of with you in Africa on a secret mission along with your brother and other member in your squad. After enemy fire blows up your helicopter and you land in an African jungle separating you from your squad, you are thrown into game-play. From the very start you will notices how fast pace the game is with kind of the same aspects as Devil May Cry or God of War game-play, and even as you progress through the game and unlock more abilities and attacks, the game is pretty much the same from start to finish. You'll find yourself fighting heaps and heaps of enemies at once, and once you take down one group of enemies, you'll find more just ahead and so on and so forth. There are times where you'll need to solve a puzzle here and there, but there nothing to challenging and your reward will be more enemy fights (As well as progressing through the game of course). There are many boss fights but only a handful of bosses. You'll be fighting the same bosses more than once, and more than twice and even, more than thrice which boosts up then repetitiveness even higher. Wolverine can do some pretty cool move in the game, some you'll need to unlock by leveling up and progressing through the game. Wolverine can lunge on his enemies, which is something you'll pretty much do a lot in the game. Some enemies can withstand the lunge attack and will need brute force to take down. You can perform quick kills, which can kill most enemies instantly when you time it right and are very effective. Spin claw, drill claw and many combo attacks and rage mode, which boosts up your speed and strength and is very cool, but you may notice with your fist play through that Wolverine is not as strong as he should be or as you through he would be. Wolverine can regenerate when he takes damage, which makes the game quite easy… at times. When your in the red zone (When you hear your heart beating) you'll need to refrain from taking damage so Wolverine can regenerate, which will probably consists of you looking for a good place to hit for awhile, or jumping all over the place to avoid enemy attacks. It may take several hit to kill a normal enemy and you'll pretty much be fighting the same enemies through out the game. You can pounce on your enemies and repeatedly pouch them in the face with you huge metal claws, but don't really do much of an impact. Your first play through may not be satisfying this "Wolverine", being one of the most powerful character pretty much of all time, but your second play through will be because all the abilities and skills unlock can be used on your second play through (or any level of your chosen) and then you can really feel like your Wolverine. However if you chose to play your second play through on hard, you will lose all your abilities and must start over again. The level designs are quite linear at times. Sometimes you'll be out in the open, and other times you'll be running around in narrow corridors. Some of the level designs make it hard to see where you have to go or what you have to do. You will need to relay on Wolverines feral senses, which helps to point you in the right direction and to see things your normal eyes can't see. The game-play is quite easy, but very repetitive. Some boss fights are tough, but not too tough for you to get really frustrated over. Some boss fights drag on, which again boosts up the repetitiveness. You'll find yourself performing powerful combo attacks and moves but there not really much more effective as just doing a normal attack. With every slash and hit it take a very small amount of the bosses health and the fight just drags on longer than they should. The A.I. system is, nothing really. Enemies just stand in a spot and shot you, others will come right up in your face and attack. With boss fights, the bosses will always come to you, which you'll have to relay on dodging a lot and using your lunge attacks. At first you'll love the game-play and look forward to performing cool combos, but as you progress through the game you'll pretty much just end up hitting the same attack button or perfuming the same move over and over again just to get through the fight quick. I myself had to take a break from the game after ever 2 or 3 hours because I probably would have went insane with the same game-play and the same boss fights over and over again. Despite the repetitive game-play and the repeated boss fights, I found the game very enjoyable and very fun and very addictive, but not in a long run. Playing as Wolverine is very cool and he's total badass. The game is very brutal which makes is even better with it being Wolverine as body past fly all over the place.

The game will probably last about 10 hours, which is a good length.

The graphics are good. Good environments, character animation and special effects. Some of the characters modeling are a bit down scale and some textures here and there are a bit off sided at time but still overall they're pretty well done. When Wolverine takes damage it shows on his body. It does look cool at time but whenever the camera is close enough for you to see in better detail, it just looks like a mess with some scramble textures and deformed model structure.

The sound-effect and music are good. The music keeps in tone with the game and with what happening very well, but nothing worthy of a soundtrack album. There sound-effect of Wolverines claw and the brutal impacts done on enemies are great and satisfying.

The game suffers from some glitches here and there. You may find yourself stuck on railings and objects if you're unlucky. You may find your self falling or going through object and you may even find yourself falling through the ground into an eternal dark pit, falling forever, which will cause you to reset the game or reset from a previous checkpoint, which has happened to me a few times.

Overall I personally thought the game was good, but not in a long run. If your looking for a game that you could play for hours and hours or even the whole day without putting the controller down, X-Men Origins: Wolverine is not that game (Unless you loved everything I said above). I did enjoy the game very much and I thought it was very fun. But with the repeated boss fights, constant game-play and annoying glitches, overall X-Men Origins: Wolverine is a decent game.

A game that could have been great, but was held back by some problems.


Story - 6/10
Online Multiplayer - N/A
Life Value - 5/10

Presentation - 6/10
Graphics - 7.5/10
Atmosphere - 6/10
Game-Play - 7.5/10
Controls - 7/10
Sound Effects - 7.5/10
Concept - 5.5/10

X-Men Origins: Wolverine review by Simon a.k.a. [TheDevilDweller]