Amazing better then any halo game. Much better

User Rating: 10 | X-Men Origins: Wolverine PSP
First off I would like to go on for the record. The graphics do not suck for the psp. The game is one of the best graphics for the psp system or the playstation 2. You can't compair psp or playstation 2 graphics to a ps3 game

Graphics for the game based on other psp graphics
Game play graphics 8
Movies 10

The game play is just right for the most part. Not to easy not to hard.
What makes this game awesome that there are tasks given to you which lets you unlock extra's in the game. I love how some are dam near impossible to beat which keeps you playing and playing until you unlock them.
Some of the tasks are being a long level under 2 minues. Beating sabertooth with almost no damage taken off. Not using you rage mode in your final level with deadpool. I also love the fact the different levels are not close to being the same.
Game play 10

The sound is awesome. The music is clean and crisp it also really sets the moods in the different levels. There is actually voice actors which sets the mood for the game play that much better. The sound effects are amazing to sounds like you would hear it in real life. And not a chessy computer sound.

The extra's are cool for the most part six videos which most them are alter verisions in the movie.
I like the fact there is art and different wolverine custmos to wear in the game.
The audio logs are cool it really sets the mood and tells a little more about the movie and who wolverine is
Sound 10

The only thing that kind of sucked about the game that it was only wolverine.
I was kind of hoping to be one of the other characters in the movie. Mainly gambit that would have been cool.

Besides that this game is a 10. Easily in my top ten favorite games if not my very favorite.