WWII Tank Commander has too many gliches in it. There are no patches to be found. The game it's self is child like. It l

User Rating: 1 | WWII Tank Commander PC
WWII Tank Commander has too many gliches in it. There are no patches to be found. The game it's self is child like. It looks like a child 4 years of age created it with his own toys. The game needs a compleat overhall. It takes about 3 to 4 try's just to get one level to start running right without having to reboot the program. Even after that, it still freezes or gets stuck in a loop. If I knew that the game was going to be a BIG PAIN IN THE NECK, I would not have bought it. I find no joy what so ever playing this game. I think it was a rush job and poor planing on the companys, and programers side. Rush job always leads to a very poor games. To sume it up in tow words "IT STINKS !!!!!". At least get some patches out there so the gamer can get past a leval without having to reboot all the time just to play the game. I give this game a BIG THUMBS DOWN. No joy..... :-(