I bought this game for $40 and hoped for a cool entertainment. Yeah right, I got tired of it after a few minutes!!

User Rating: 3.6 | WWII Tank Commander PC
I can summarize this game in one word: AVOID! Don't even consider buying this game, it's not even worth the sale price! I got attracted to it at first by the nice looking images on the backside cover. I payed $40 for this and got home hoping to experience nice tank battles simulations with a strategical twist. I was disappointed! This game is a moron style shooter, just come close enough to the enemy, aim and fire. Then drive on, aim and fire. Then drive on aim and fire, and so on... There is no excitement whatsoever, and the initial expectations (that we all have when unpacking a freshly bought game) quickly disappear. Sure, the graphical display is nice, and so is the sound, but this is absolutely not enough for a good game. It's not even sufficient for a mediocre one. In my opinion this game is really bad, so avoid it as plague.