
User Rating: 4.6 | WWII Tank Commander PC
When the first level starts, you think im in a tank cool, this is going to be awesome, but as the battle begins you realize how bad the game is. First off it very hard to kill the opposing foot soldiers, no many times you hit them with machine fire they just wont go away. In addition to that you never know when they are going to pop up, being that your in a tank its very hard to see around you. The enemy tanks are the easiest thing to destroy in the game. The thank bumps from anything you driver over so its hard to aim.

the sound is good in the game, it really sounds like a world war 2 battlefield, but the gameplay is horrible. Being that you never know when a solider will pop out, the game is very hard to beat, i usually play every game until i beat it but with this game i quit after failing to get past the 2nd level about 12 times. ive played many ww2 based games, and this is defiantly the worst ive played.