Coulda been worse This game is good but not great. The graphics are off the chain (Good) and the story lines good but ju

User Rating: 5.5 | WWE WrestleMania 21 XBOX
This game is good but not great. The graphics are off the chain (Good) and the story lines good but just about everything else about the game is either ok or bad. also the game has to many little annoying glitches about it the main one is at the end of each match the anouncers will skip along with he animation. Personaly its worth checkin out since you can get it used for like 20 bucks but if ou also have a PS2 or a psp even i recomend wwe SVR 2006 that game is great. but to those who only have an xbox like i said if you can put up with some gameplay issues and deal with the glitches in the game and can also turn the cheek to the somwhat dumb AI u shold at least try it out go to EB games get it use try it and if u hate it take it back before your 16 days is up and if u like it keep it, love it . do as u wish