Where Should I Start With This Game?

User Rating: 2.8 | WWE WrestleMania 21 XBOX
"Where Should I Start With This Game?" WrestleMania 21 is one of those odd games, and when I mean odd, I mean odd. When I first saw the review, I thought the reviewer was some what crazed. But once I got ahold of this game and brought it back to the Video game store, the problems and all the fun came and went. Welcome to my WrestleMania 21 Review. WreslleMania 21 is a game created by THQ, the creators of the WWE Smackdown! Series, and the Gamecube wrestling games. When I first loaded the game, I saw the main menu, there is nothing, all you do is pick what you want. Then, you have to create a profile, like any other game. Once you do that, you can go into the Create Mode, Season Mode, which requires a created wrestler, or Exhibition mode. Oh, before I forget, you better have a Xbox Live account, because to create a wrestler, you need this, and going to that then the created mode is always tired some. The Create-A-Superstar mode is really...... lame. You can do all the stuff you need to do, but it's all so short, you don't have much to create, they only give you 2 masks out of 5. Most of the stuff you want you need to buy, so that's really a pain in the neck. You can pick from a series of moves to customize your wrestler, but every person has at least 1 same move. There aren't any close of moves to WWE Smackdown! Create-A-Belt is the same exact way. Making a tag or single is cool, but it's so lame. For tag team titles, only one person comes out with 1 belt, how ironic that is. The singles belt, if your not the first player, it usually gives him the championship to defend against the guy who should be the champion. There is no fatal four ways, nothing, just 1 on 1 action for the belts. Going online is the only thing worth it, but guess what, NOBODY IS ONLINE! I spent 5 minutes waiting for somebody but no challenges. The Graphics in the game are quite good, as mentioned, but there are more problems then good stuff in this game. Let me give you one, when your in a tag match, if your bring your illegal opponent in, sometimes the hand on the guy will bring the whole side of the rope to him, and make this big gap open, it's a major glitch and it's really not right. This is one of many problems in WWE WreslteMania 21. The people glitch out often, and it's really not that fun. The Gameplay is just boring. You have the normal grapple, you hit the A button, and hold the B button for submission, or tap it for a quick grapple. Hold the A button for Power, or tap A for the signature grapple. Finishers are A+B at same time, and it's pretty easy to defeat a oppenent, a match will only last about 1-2 minutes if your skilled enough. The Gameplay isn't that fun, and you won't enjoy the season mode, which I'm going to talk about in a minute. The season mode is with your created superstar, and you go through a... you guessed it, a season. You start out on Velocity (Every Time) and you work your way up. You first start in a few 3 minute matches, then you work up to WWE Smackdown matches. Then soon you win the WWE United States Championship, you defend it at SummerSlam, then you see your Superstar angry in a gym. Let me mention, the loading times take forever, and I had the game freeze on me in story mode. Anyways, Eric the GM of Raw comes over and proposes you a offer on Raw, but you must train with the WWE Legends. Once you finish the training, you come to a Raw PPV and demolish Batista. Then you start to destroy the rest of Evoultion. I won't go any further, because it's the same every single time. The sound is pretty much the same as WWE Smackdown!, the announcers are the same exact thing, maybe different talks, but it's pretty much the same, and it gets boring very quickly. The voice overs are a whole lot better then Smackdown's, but that doesn't make them generally good. Every created WWE Superstar has the same exact voice over, so you'll hear the same wise-ass remarks from the same voice, but different WWE Superstar. The value of this game, there is no value, this game isn't worth the $50.00 price tag, it's not even worth $6.00 to rent it at a local Blockbuster. It's not worth playing at a EB Games for free, not even worth thinking about, it's everything I thought it couldn't be, I was so hyped, but I'm disappointed they couldn't make a better WWE game, but instead, make a worse WWE game. It's like what Alex Navarro said, please, don't come to them looking for a decent WWE Xbox game, because your not going to get one for a longer time. I'm only going to tell you one thing, if you have Raw 2, play that, or play your Smackdown, because this isn't worth any of your time, you have just wasted money on it if you think it's good, because it isn't. My tilt and overall of this game, please, stay away from it, there is barely anything good about it, and lieing about some gameplay modes, bah! They make me sick, no wrestling fan can be proud of this game. The long load times, freezes, glitches, the boring gameplay, the graphics, well there good, but not good without problems, stay away from this broken game.