Needs a tune up...but still addicting.

User Rating: 8.7 | WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw PS2
This game is awesome! It has great graphics, it keeps the great gameplay from HCTP, and has little improvements here and there. One thing is the commentary, but it gets repetative after 2 or 3 matches. Also online mode, but only single matches can be played. And season has improvements to but sacrifices some good options. And even though it has a limited roster, the gameplay is what counts and they improved it with a few tweakes to make it even better!!! You should get this if you are a big wrestling fan or if you haven't played any wrestling games, this is a great start!

~ Gameplay
~ Graphics
~ Online
~ Soundtrack
~ Create-a-superstar

~ Limited online options
~ Limited roster
~ Limited season options
~ Limited backstage arenas