This in one of the worst wrestling games

User Rating: 5 | WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw PS2
The adverts made it look amazing
But you'll find that is not nearly as good as Here Comes The Pain & the new edition of Clean, Dirty & Neutral just made the game more frustrating

Gameplay(6)The wrestlers do not wrestle that differently, plus you now only have three finishers rather than 5 & this new Dirty, Clean, Neutral thing means that it's a lot harder to get a finisher

Sound(7)there's voice acting & there own music but, 'UH' *shrugs his shoulders*

Replay Value(5) it's hardly Smackdown VS Raw & there's only two different types of story & they are Raw & Smackdown but the only real difference is your opponent & end, only a huge wrestling fan could sit through this to get the wrestlers.

Tilt(4):-I hate this game, play it if you must but it's so dated, whats the point?