This unfinished game does have quite a few great qualities!

User Rating: 8.5 | WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 PS3
The Presentation of this game is pretty good. Lots of WWE presentation is implemented to make it look closes to tv. Could still use a little work but overall pretty good presentation.
The graphics are okay. The player models look great. The crowd is still goofy looking though. The menus look the same as SVR10, and occasionally you see a graphic or two that looks like a ps2 game.
The sound is still pretty pathetic. Very bland sounds. Commentary is HORRIBLE! Also only theme songs to listen to. No official soundtrack. Also, you can't skip the wrestler entrance songs that are extremely annoying. Cody Rhodes' theme is burned into my brain and it is a terrible song.
The gameplay is good but not great. I personally like the control scheme better than what SVR10's control scheme was but would still prefer buttons.
Some features in this game are Road to Wrestlemania again as well as WWE Universe mode.
The Road to Wrestlemania's are good but not great. They are too short, although they do provide quite interesting stories. Christians is especially great. Also you can roam around backstage and this is somewhat cool. You can pick fights with who you want and talk with who you want but the camera angles are pretty bad.
Universe mode is probably the best addition to the game. It keeps track of your belts, rivalries, tag teams, alliances, and more. It also shapes itself around how you play the game. However, the rankings are broken somewhat especially the tag team rankings. I suggest just unlock the World Tag Team and WWE Tag Team titles and have those as your tag titles and defend those with whatever teams you want because the tag team rankings NEVER MOVE!
The rest of the rankings work pretty well though. Sometimes after matches the rankings stay exactly the same which is annoying but most of the time the rankings change. Especially if you use a match with a special match type like ladder match, or matches with multiple superstars like fatal 4 ways or battle royals. Most of the time though your rankings will change based on who wins and loses every match. It can also be hard to move up CAWS in rankings but with a lot of work it can happen.
Community Creations are a great addition. Especially now that you can adjust attributes how you want. That means you can download 50 guys. Immediately make their overalls how you want and have a roster of over 120 guys fast. This is AWESOME! probably the best fact about the game.

Overall this game is good but not amazing. It is broken in spots. and some of the graphics could be updated a little. Gameplay also needs an overall. However, the game modes are addictive especially Universe. Create player is great as always, and Road to Wrestlemania's although short are still pretty decent. Even though I would still prefer just one big long story.

Overall 8.5/10