Im starting to realize that wwe smackdown vs. raw is not really going anywhere considering gameplay and features.

User Rating: 7.4 | WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 PS2
Ive always liked the wwe series, but there is so much hype to see the series grow more. It seems as if this game is not going anywhere good anytime soon. For example, hardcore matches, the way you hit someone with a chair feels the same as the 1st series game, it feels like its fake. he new grappling system is just an okay feature. The gm mode is a good addition from last year. but the gm mode could be deeper. All these series games look like soap operas, every year , you got the dame thing just different not so important differences. The voice over work is pretty good, but the commentary is hideous. The graphics improved, but the grapics are never going to be better on the ps2. I wish one year they will make a more in depth game, but it seems most people are drifting more towards ps3, falling away from the ps2. I still love playing this game, but not saying wow once again this year. wwe 2008 looks pretty much the same too. aw well