A great wrestling game on all aspects.

User Rating: 8.5 | WWE Day of Reckoning GC
WWE Day of Reckoning is one of the best wrestling games to come out for the Gamecube. The wrestlers look solid, and the gameplay is excellent, although at times it seems like it is a little slow compared to games like SD vs Raw. The grappling system works just fine, and the strikes and submissions look great, even if sometimes you might experience a phantom blow or two. The story mode plays pretty well, but it is very linear, and the only choice that you really get to make in the storyline is which brand you go to. Also, the story is going to be the same every time, so once you play through one Smackdown and one Raw story, there is not really much point to play through it again. Once you unlock all of the items and all of the wrestlers, you don't really have that much left to do. This game is really good, but it gets old after you beat it.