DoR is without a doubt a great improvement from WM XIX, but still doesn't cut it.

User Rating: 6.2 | WWE Day of Reckoning GC
DoR is definitely the best WWE game on the GC, but with its lack-luster predecessors, that's not really a great honor.

DoR's multi-player, like WM XIX's, is the greatest feature of this game. Sure, the cage matches with friends could last for hours on end, but hey, what can you do?

The new features are also amazing. My favorite features are the new submission system and the momentum reversal. These new features finally add some strategy to the game. In previous versions, the only strategy was being quicker than your opponent so you can hit him with a cookie sheet faster.

In these sentences, i was going to discuss the roster of the game. But, since there are about five superstars, what's there to talk about?

Ahh, the biggest letdown of them all. The repetitive, boring, predictable season mode. There are so many flaws that I cannot possibly list them all. I will, however, list the prominent ones. The storyline is fun at first, but after joining and being betrayed by Evolution 172 times, it gets rather tedious. What I'm trying to say is, the story mode has absolutely no replay value at all. I pity the fool who plays the story mode more than three times in their life. I also did not enjoy the player's World Heavy-Weight title reign, or the lack there of. It would have been more enjoyable if you were to defend the title a few times.Oh, and i can't forget the fact that you cannot lose. Literally, you CANNOT lose even if you tried. The game makes you win.

Well, I'll wrap this up with saying that DoR is a great game, but renting is the way to go with this WWE game.