MMM Beloved worms are back,,

User Rating: 9.1 | Worms World Party NGE
ok first off thie review may be a little bias. I rember gettin this game so long ago on my playstation and for the first hour playing i hated it didnt know what to do. But once i got the hang of it i didnt put it down. Now i get to relive the good ol'memories all over again. The game is a direct port and it didnt loose its touch at all. The graphics were never that great but with this strategy game its all about the play. It works great on the go any free minute i get i just killl me a few rounds and kill me some worms. MUST HAVE if you have never played worms you owe it to yourself to either buy this game or find it on, ps, DC, N64, SATURN, Gba, Pc, stay away from the 3-d versions though amergideon or party, oh and leave your sound way up, worms say the darndest things