OMG I love this game!!!

User Rating: 8 | Worms 3D PS2
When was the last time you played Worms? 10 years ago? 5 years ago? Well, then , this game is perfect for you, as Worms returns to the public spotlight.
The idea is completely simple. You have worms. The computer(or your friend) has worms.Now there's only one thing to do when the game starts.
RAISE HELL. You've got bazooka's , grenades , petrol bombs, missiles and machine guns. So it can't be that hard to raise hell then.
Worms 3D has 3 main game modes: Campaign, Quick Play and Multiplayer.


The most common game mode in worms. It is basically a series of crazy missions all on top of each other. Out of all of them, my favourite was the first campaign,D-Day.




Self-explainatory BUT there are some cool features here. There is the Wormpot, which can modify your multiplayer game to make it slightly more arcade.

All in all, i sum this up with 4 words. I love this game!!!