This game born from a game board (Azure Wish La Grande Guerre 1914/1917) and seems to be ambitious

User Rating: 8.5 | World War One PC
I have played some game based on the First World War and i found this very interesting, yes the first version have some problem of stability but Ageod's patch released seems have resolved the problem.
The game combines political and economics problem (agitations, national morale, big loss of war..ecc ecc)
The use of events make this game like the board-game, and every new game is different and various with alternate possibility.
Air aces, Stosstruppen, Tanks... how many resources would you spent for the research of new technologies?
Will you try Entente or Central Powers??
There is the possibility to select historical battle plan.
Graphically simple the game presents a map of Europe divided in regions plus little map reps African and Asian lordships.. The turn and phase is IGOUGO.
Very good the authentic background music.