WW1 was a fiasco at times it was released and offers very few chances of improvemets to a decent level for the furure.

User Rating: 3 | World War One PC
AGEod WW1 hit the shops as a bugged, unfinished, unstable, rules unsupported games.
It was unplayable, and will be a cornerstone in negative terms for game publishing and marketing strategy.
AGEod spent worlds to defend its product against all the negative evidences: it's in AGEod tradition to sell customers games at beta level, dedicating later months to improve games and fix troubles thank to players feedback. Player have to take the role of free-working beta testers.
With WW1 AGEod over boarded: the game was at best an alpha version, largely unfinished.

The game is a complex simulation of World War One, pretentiously dealing with military, political, economical, aspects.
The game was released without a detailed documentation: game manual is being written as regard some game issues.
Many game features have been enabled later, by patches in so far were not included in the first incomplete game versions.
It's till difficult to formulate a definitive opinion but the game is going to a be very complex matter.

Graphically it's poor and outdated. Some users already reported troubles with map orientation.
The game interface, but not yet finished, is heavy and complex to manage: it does not help a complex and confused game management.
Program instability troubles have been reported by users and have been addressed by AGEod to incompatibility to GPU drivers.
Something like that happened with advanced audio processors.

But bugs, AGEod games are supported by a poor AI although the products are mainly addressed to solo gaming. So, it happens that scenarios are not decided by player fine strategy but from the week AI shoddy mistakes. AI is unable to perform according to a long-term planned strategy, while it's chance of reaction to played moves are definitely dumb.

Many patch versions have been released. They completed unfinished game features, fixed many troubles, (bugs and program compatibility), but we are far for having a playable, stable game.
Bugs and critical errors will till waste players efforts to play WW1.
Unfortunately, more doubts are to be addressed to AGEod game support efficiency.
AACW, NCP, WIA, al titles published by AGEod, are till evidencing bugs and troubles wasting solo as PBEM games. Quoted AGEod titles hit the PC game market years ago (AACW), more one years ago (NCP), some six months ago (WIA).
I invite to visit AGEod forum pages to verify the list of troubles addressed by users. No one of AGEod game is to be regarded bug free!

In conclusion, WW1 is to be regarded as a fiasco at the time it was released, and with doubtful mind as regard chances of a real improvement to a decent level for the future.
