The worst game for the xbox since nada 3. This game, if you can call it that, is so bad I am writing a review.

User Rating: 1.1 | World War II Combat: Road to Berlin XBOX
I love WWII games. Brothers in Arms, Call of Duty, etc. so based on that I thought I would try this one... I want a refund and some compensation for the time spent on this miserable excuse of a game.

Now I may be biased, I having been playing games with vast maps, spectacular scenery and a multitude of enemies to engage. I played this game and only found 1 or two enemies at a time. Some even did some sort of jig when they would get stuck on a part of the map.

The graphics for this game are horrible. I have seen better graphics on the Nintendo ds, game gear, Sega cd, etc. The animation of the Germans was horrible. It's like they took stop motion, took one picture and said... "That’s it... no more." So all the guys look like they are pointing guns and standing on a treadmill... they don't move, they are stiffer than and bunch of old guys at a Viagra convention or a morgue. The explosions were just as bad. Red on top of yellow and that was it.

The audio was the only redeeming quality of this whole experience. But no matter how loud a gun can be it didn't make up for the lack of everything else this game doesn't offer.

I think the developers stopped about 20% in to the project and said, let’s get some pizza, and forgot about the game. I have seen homebrew games better than this.

Again, I cannot stress the crappyness that is packed in this box. DO NOT buy this game, do not rent this game. If you hate someone buy it for them but not for yourself or someone you love.

STAY AWAY from this waste of time!!!!!