
User Rating: 6.3 | World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade PC
I just cant understand why this game continues to receive rave reviews, its trite, ugly and steals many of its idea's from the true great MMORPG predessesors. It's everquest for kiddies.

Where shall I start.

Highly stylised graphics. This is really a matter of taste, and I cant stand WOW's style. How this got a higher score as opposed to something like everquest 2 which looks absolutely amazing on a high end rig mystifies me, and just goes to prove how biased gamespot is these days. I really wouldnt be surprised in the slightest if it came to light that blizzard pays them off.

Sound, seriously nothing to write home about here.

Gameplay, as I have said before innovates very little, you hand is help for you through the entire game, little gameplay options at high level. Bad unbalanced pvp and the terrible battlegrounds implementation. Stolen many ideas from its predessesors and although polished is so incredibly easy to the point of mind numbing boredom

terrible game community

Boring and generic class options.

Major cop out with the expantion, no new classes at all and no hero classes. Oh now you can make evil paladins .... spare me. They need to implement real evil paladins like the dreadlord. This is a cop out...

Blizzard fanboism insues, but the reality is this game is one of the most overated games of all time. Good for an introduction to the MMORPG scene, and not much else.